Saturday, August 16, 2008

July 14, 2008, DC/Williamsburg Vacation day 2: Mount Vernon

Afer getting caught up on our sleep on Sunday night we let the kids sleep and we left the Howard Johnson's in Maryland at around 10:00 a.m. We were on our way to Mount Vernon, the home of George Washington. After experiencing our first bout with the traffic (We got stuck on the bridge going over the Potomac into Virginia, but it gave us our first glance at the Capital building and the Washington Monument) we got onto highway one, the George Washington Memorial Parkway. It was a beautiful section of road. Lot's of places to stop for a picnic and just to enjoy the river and its banks. We made it to Mount Vernon without too much trouble.

As we entered Mount Vernon there was greeter there who kepts saying "Happy Bastille" Day. I thought he said "Happy Best Deal" day. I thought we had come on the right day to save some money, but soon found out I had just heard him incorrectly. After petting the goats ouside the entry gate we walked through the museum and watched a short film on George Washington. It was very moving. (Okay, maybe that was just me, although I worked hard at helping my kids realize for the rest of the vacation that our freedom came then, and still comes with a price)

We made our way to the main Mount Vernon attraction, George and Martha's house. Calvin was wearing a Christian shirt he has that says "loser" on the front of it. As we were standing in line, the guy who was playing the role of a slave worker on the grounds inquired as to why Calvin had such low self-esteem. Of course that gave us a chance to explain what his shirt was all about.

In George's house we learned that Martha always had a Virginia Ham on the table every night for dinner. There was one room that was an awesome bright green, (Calvin's opinion) and the house, although made of wood was painted to make it look like stone. They would paint it and then throw sand on it. We also learned that George Washington loved Strawberry Ice Cream. We saw his current tomb and his former tomb, and also some of his farmland. He was quite an innovator when it came to farming, and all his time as General and then President of the United States were a distant 2nd and 3rd to his longing to be at home and simply work his land.

After a good day at Mount Vernon we meandered our way through the Washington DC suburbs to Clifton, which is an outlying suburb. We finally found our way to the home of Lee and Cindy Wilbur. Cindy is Rose's cousin. We would stay for them for the next 3 nights. We had a good dinner with them before they all had to leave for play rehearsal that most of them had a part in. The kids ended up playing Rock Band (video game, which would be a nightly occurence) that night before we crashed for the evening in preparation for our first day on the National Mall.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

July 13, 2008: DC/Williamsburg Vacation Day 1: Early to Rise, Early to Bed

We got the kids out of bed at 2 a.m. to drive to Colorado Springs. Yes, dad thought it was a good idea to fly out of Colorado Springs instead of Denver. (We did save a little money that way) Seemed like a good idea in April. Kids slept as much as they could in the car. We got to the Springs in plenty of time. The Colorado Springs airport is small enough that we got right through and ready for our plane in plenty of time. It was there that we realized we had left our banannas for breakfast in the van and mom forgot her hat too. No problem. The gift shop in the airport had a hat mom could buy and we got a pastry and egg bagel sandwich that we shared for breakfast.

The plane rides from Colorado Springs to Houston and Houston to Baltimore were uneventful, thankfully. All but dad watched the movie Penelope on the plane and we got little mini sandwiches to eat for lunch. When we got to Baltimore we got our bags and got reintroduced to humidity. We don't get much of that in Colorado. We made our way to the Avis car rental counter and I surprised the kids by renting a Toyota Highlander (What else would someone who has owned only Toyota's get?). I told the kids not to expect a mini van or the like, but this car had a third seat which was very important to Kendra. (she doesn't like to sit by her sister too much) Once we found our way to the interstate we headed south to D.C. One of the first things we noticed was all the trees and very little ability to see beyond the road we were on. In Colorado we can see for miles. In Maryland and Virginia you can only see what's right in front of you.

We made it to the north end of DC and checked into our Howard Johnson hotel in Cheverly Maryland. Our hotel wasn't much to write home about, but it was a roof over our head. There were many people from other countries there. (A Japanese contingent and some of Australian persuasian to be exact) The A/C didn't stay ahead of the hot humidity too well in our room, but we survived. For dinner we ventured out to a Ruby Tuesday's in Landover, saw the stadium where the Washington Redskins play, and then got a few groceries at "Giant". We were all pretty beat after getting up so early, so we were all in bed and asleep by 9 PM.

We had made it through day 1, and we were on the East Coast ready for several days of adventure.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Family Vacation to DC/Williamsburg Virginia

Recently the Gifford clan took a two week vacation to the East end of the country. (DC area and Williamsburg Virginia area) We checked out as much history stuff as we could fit into a 12 day trip. We also got to experience some other things we aren't used to experiencing like seeing lots of trees and feeling lots of humidity, a couple things we don't have too much of here in Colorado.

We had a great time together, not to mention some funny moments!

Anyway, in the coming days look for a recap of each day of our trip.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


A funny thing happened on the way to guitar lessons. We were on the street in front of the music school and a woman in a Ford Explorer got a little tired of waiting to turn left and did it any way, without really checking the traffic and plowed right into us. Paige and I were okay and since I knew it would take awhile to deal with, I sent her to her lesson while I waited for the police. I had to get my car out of the street, which was a new experience with three wheels working and one smashed in, sort-of underneath the car. It was a slow dragging, driving, rubber being peeled from the tire kind of motion. It felt very wrong to be trying to drive a car that way but I didn't want to be hit again because I was in the middle of the street.

Debbie, the other driver, was not hurt but when she went to grab her jacket out of her car she found that one of the two dogs in the car with her had gotten so upset he had peed on her coat. Her car was very drivable, with just stratches on the bumper. You know what they say about accidents, the bigger car wins.

Paige was a trooper, no panic or tears, just headed off with her quitar strapped on her back. I think she was thrilled to have the adventure to share at school. My children have now determined that Kendra is the only one in the family who has not been a passenger when mom had an accident. Also, when I called Dave to tell him, he was meeting with our friend Scott. Scott mentioned that they were together the last time I called Dave to tell him I had been in an accident. From the way these people are talking you would think this is a weekly event.

Dave spent the evening unhappily shopping for minivans on-line. He was hoping that buying a minivan had been a once in a lifetime experience but here he is again. He kept asking, "does it really have to be a minvan?" He knows the only other alternatives that will accomodate 5 people (3 of whom are growing everyday) and the big dog are a van or an SUV. The kids suggested a van like the church has (a long 18 passenger) or a station wagon. Not going to happen. We also all know Dave is NOT going to pay to drive a gas guzzling SUV and they many times don't have that much room anyway. I told him to not think about buying a minivan for himself but that he is buying for his wife. His little convertible will have to wait. So for the time being the Gifford's are the proud owners of a 1994 Toyota Camry with the bent antena that just reached the milestone of 200,000 miles as our only form of tranportation.

I hit the car door with a little bit of force so I am a little sore and have a bruise on my right thigh and didn't sleep so well but I know I have so much to be truly thankful for. I had planned to shampoo the inside of the van, fill the almost empty tank and get that cracked windshield fixed. We also had an emissions test coming up and weren't 100 % sure it would pass, something about a cadilitic converter acting up. So needless to say I am glad I procrastinated on all those details. Seriously, I know that God protected us from harm on a busy street at rush hour. He continues to bless us with what we need and more. (Dave saw a few used vans with heated seats and automatic sliding doors, talk about luxury!)

An added blessing is that Paige made to her lesson and is now working on "Colorado Rocky Mountian High" as her next piece so life is good.


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Battle of the Books

I'm gonna be in Battle of the Books.You probably don't know what that is so I'll tell you: Everybody in fifth grade got a slip it talked about the program. You Fill it out and return it to the librarian. She gives a list of book's and schedule and a paper where you make question's. You have to read 5 out of 10 books. When your done with the book you make 5 question's. You also have meeting's every other Thursday. Then you have battles. They ask you very detailed question's. If you win the school battles then you go district thereyu compete with 21 other school. If you win it you get a trophy and other stuff. It's really fun so far. :-0 :-) :-) :-)

Dakota's Birthday

Dakota is now A year old in people year's,7 year's in dog year's. We had a birthday party for him on 1/5/08. the Tillion's came to celabrate. They even brought their dog! We had a cake the dog's had a ton of treat's.They both got a santa chew toy. Dakota loves his. Actually he's playing with it right now. His real birthday was tuesday. He kept using the exscuse " it's my birthday ". Dakota's barking sorry talk to you later,Bye.