Friday, December 14, 2007

Happy New Year

Another year has passed and more memories have been deposited in the Gifford Family memory bank. 2007 has been quite a year for the Gifford clan as we have grown closer to God and to each other.


Kendra had the opportunity to spend a week at DisneyWorld in Florida with her Aunt Jill. They had a great time together and a memory that she will have for the rest of her life.

In February Rose and I got away to Hilton Head South Carolina for a week. It was a great time to rest, to reconnect, and to celebrate our 20th anniversary a little bit early.

This summer Dave had many opportunities to hike and climb with friends from church and his friend Scott as they led people on a series of meditative hikes in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Dave, Calvin, and 3 other guys from church spent a long weekend in a cabin just outside of Telluride. It was a beautiful setting. We did some hiking, soaked in the only geyser in Colorado, visited Mesa Verde, and even got in a little fishing.

In July we all went to the Black Hills for 2 days and then headed to Primgahr Iowa for Rose's parents 50th anniversary celebration. The kids got to perform a talent in front of the church family. Paige sang Old Rugged Cross, Kendra recited all the books of the bible, and Calvin amazed the audience with his card trick abilities. The men and young men in the group even dazzled the crowd with some dancing performed to the music of the Bee Gee's.


The Fall has been very busy for Dave as he has been engrossed in an effort to change the culture at the church we attend. We want to build a church that is built on getting people connected in LifeGroups. We are well on our way with over 70 groups formed to this point and over 700 people actively involved meeting with others on a regular basis.

Rose is still working hard at Thornton High School and very busy orgnaizing events for the FCCLA program there. She still teaches kindergarteners every Sunday, and has even done some teaching of some parenting classes at the church.

Paige is not in 3rd grade and growing up fast. She loves playing with her friends, playing guitar (she did her first recital recently!) and asking when our family is going to do its next "family fun night". Paige loves to organize people (even if they don't want to be organized) and keep the mood in the house light. She seems to have a real knack for this.


Kendra is in 5th grade and anxiously getting ready for middle school. She has her moments now, when she seems very much like a middle school girl, so I guess she will fit right in. She continues to excel in school and still doesn't like to go hiking or camping. (how did she end up in Colorado?)


Calvin is now in 8th grade and just months now from entering High School. (Where did the time go?) His voice is changing and he has lots of friends at school and church. Calvin loves Christian music, playing basketball and even took some golf lessons this year. (Maybe he and I can hit the links together)

New Patio

Our big project for the year was transforming our backyard into more usable space. We had a 20 by 20 slab of concrete layed and bought all new patio furniture to complete the project. We even bought a fire pit! (Next year though we have to do the AC in the house.)


But lastly but certainly not leastly, the biggest event in our year may have been on May 25 when we brought home a new addition to our family. At only 16 weeks young we brought home a beautiful 36 pound Golden Retriever. What a gift and blessing from God he has been to us. His name is Dakota, but don't let the mass of fir and bones fool you. (He is 75 pounds now!) He is a true sweetheart of a dog. He loves to play, but he also loves to please anyone who will give him attention. We are all learning the art of dog ownership. We can't run enough with him to please him, so he is a great weight control device too. He is always ready to go farther and faster than we are.

God has blessed our family in many ways this year. We try to thank him everyday for what he has given us in life itself, in the gift of each other, but mostly, the gift of God's son, Jesus. Our hope is that you have the hope found him as well. May 2008 be a year that brings us all closer to God through Jesus.

Happy 2008 from the Giffords!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Gifford's spent a quiet day at home for Thanksgiving this year. We got out of bed when we felt like it. (For Calvin that was about 11:15) We tried to wear the dog out during the day. (Dad took him for a run in the morning, and Paige and dad ran him around at the school in the afternoon) We had plenty to eat. Too much in fact. The Turkey was great! (Dakota even got his own bowl of turkey) The Mashed Potatatoes were great! The new corn muffin stuffing was great! The jello, the green been casserole, the sweet potatatoes, all great! (Thanks Mom!) Everybody had a part in making the dinner. (Kendra made rolls, Calvin made the sweet potatoes topping, dad made Pecan Pie, Paige made Apple Pie, of course mom did the rest) And having 4 pies available to 5 people was a little too much as well (Chocolate, Pecan, Apple, Chocolate, and of course Pumpkin) We ate the pie while we watched the movie "Evan Almighty". (Good movie by the way. I liked the message)
Before we ate our dinner Paige read Psalm 95 and we gave thanks to God for everything we have, which of course, all comes from him. During dinner we talked about the things we are thankful for in the last year (No "stuff" allowed)

We do have a lot to be thankful for:
  • Our friends and family who add so much to our life

  • Our gifts and abilities for which God wants us to use to help others

  • A purpose for living

  • Health to continue to climb and hike (I can't take this for granted anymore like I used to)

  • Our dog

  • Our teachers (that was good to hear)

  • The ability to make choices (That was Paiges. What a great thought, considering in many countries having the freedom to make their own choices isn't a given. Thanks to our awesome troops!)

  • Our bibles and the freedom to read them and freely live out our faith here in the USA

  • Our jobs and opportunity to learn in school

  • The opportunities to spend time together as a family, especially here in beautiful Colorado
Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Day as well!

The Giffords (Dave, Rose, Calvin, Kendra, Paige,.......and Dakota)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ashley & Lucas

I love Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Grabeel!!! There so amazing. Oh I wwould love to meet them.

Ashley Tisdale is awasome actress. She plays a sweet, loving person , then she's a snotty girl. Did I mention her singing? She is amazing I looovvveee her!!! Lucas is a great actor. He's done two movies. he's agreat actor.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Thats What We Say
The Eighth
In November
So Remember
Its Your Birthday


Why I love my dad! by Paige

Why I love my dad!
· Because he helps me when I have a problem.
· He plays games with me.
· He takes me to the mountains.
· I like his jokes too.

Love, Paige

Birthday Poem from Kendra


My dad is sweet
He gives us treats
He’s very funny
Like Pooh with honey
He loves to hike
And to bike
He loves apple pie
But his limit is the sky!

Happy Birthday, Dave, The Dad

Hi, I am the mom in the Gifford family, Rose, and I am rarely seen or heard from in blog form (not only am I technically challenged but to make this writing semi-grammatically correct may take all day), but I have a special occasion to write. It is Dave’s 44th birthday and I know he would love new entries by his family. I know this because he mentions it daily. Many of you know Dave through work or family but few of you get to witness Dave “the dad,” so I would like to share with you what an awesome dad he is. He is intentional in what he wants his children to know and in what areas he feels lead to guide them in. Last night he spent time reading with each of his kids. He didn’t spend time with any old book but carefully chose books for their personal growth. He reads at the dinner table as well, right now it is, “When The Game Is Over It All Goes Back In The Box,” by John Ortberg, which is helping to focus our family on trophies that are truly worth winning because they last forever. As we think to Christmas he is trying to think of gifts that are meaningful, lasting and as “unplugged” as possible and how to spend our Christmas trip doing things together and making lifetime memories. One of the best things he did all year was to bring Dakota into our home. That silly dog has united our family in many unforeseen ways, like all of us out of the house and on the football field running him around in the goofest game of football you ever seen. All of this has not been pure instinct for Dave and that is almost the most wonderful part. I have been able to witness his striving to be the best dad he can be. As he grows daily in his intimate walk with God he becomes the husband and dad God wants him to be and is molding him into. Psalms 15 speaks of a godly man's actions. Through his actions Dave is establishing a founation for his kids. This foundation is the one spoken of 1 Cor 3 which is Christ Jesus and 1 Tim. 6:19 which gives them life. I love you Dave, Happy Birthday. Rose (How did I do one my first blog?)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Dakota Training

We have been training Dakota for a while. So far he knows how to sit,shake,lay down,look,sit and stay,come,rollover,leave it, and he's housebroken, he can almost sit pretty. we are really happy to have him trained,it's really useful to have him trained like: when people come over we can keep him from getting to crazy. He's gonna gradute on July 28,2007. All in all we are happy to have him trained.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

I got a dog!!!

Yesterday My mom and dad said they were going to run errands and I was playing the computer when they got home. My dad told me to go in the backyard and I did. I was so surprised. I was walking toward a pure golden retreiver! I excitedly said " are you serious". Now we have a wonderful golden retreiver. His name is dakota and weighs 36 pounds.
He's 4 and a 1/2 months old. He's really cute too. I love him a lot.

- Kendra, May 25,2007

Monday, May 14, 2007

We love Mom!

This post is dedicated to the mom of the house. She takes care of us in so many ways! She makes sure we have clean clothes to wear, she makes sure we have good food to eat (Even asparagus), and she is always available to give us a hug whenever we need one. Here are some of the other reasons why we love mom so much:

Mom helps me get out of bed on time
I love mom because she loves me
Mom knows when we've watched too much TV
Mom helps me make wise decisions about making purchases
Mom takes care of me when I'm sick by bringing stuff home that I need

Mom helps me with my homework
Mom helps me vaccum my room when it's dirty
Mom helps me call people to come over and play

My mom is the nicest mom I have ever known.
Mom gives me hugs and kisses.
Mom always tucks me into bed
Mom helps me forget about things when I am scared

Dave (The dad)
Taking care of the details that no one else thinks about
Having a positive attitude even when she is tired

Thanks for taking care of us, but mostly thanks for loving us all more than we ever deserve!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Flat Stanley tours the world

This year in school I made a Flat Stanley. Flat Stanley is a character from a book. Everyone in my class made a Flat Stanely of their own. We all sent our Flat Stanley's around the world. Here's where my Flat Stanley went:

He visited South Carolina with my mom and dad in February.
He visited Seoul Korea and my cousins Mattie, Michal and Mercy in March.
He visited Chicago and my cousins James and John in March.
He visited Primgahr Iowa and my Grandpa and Grandma in April.
Flat's last stop was in Lincoln Nebraska at my Aunt Jill's in April before he came back home to me, here in Denver Colorado.

I want to thank everyone who gave Flat Stanley a great time on all his visits! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Love Paige

School Fun Run

Today I went to a funrun at my school . A fun run is where you go to your school and you run around the playground about five times. I ran pretty fast. It was about a mile total. My sister and I went to the fun run. There were a lot of stands. On the stands there was stuff that you could have like a coloring book or a pencil. I had five people in my class who came. I had a lot of fun and I got to go in a fire truck. Everybody got a medal for participating in the fun run.


Monday, April 30, 2007

Calvin get's wisdom's pulled

On April 20th I got my wisdom teeth taken out. They pulled all 4 of them but the worst part was they don't even come out of the gum until I'm 18. That day my mouth was exploding in pain after the numbness wore off. The reason they pulled them was they were coming in crooked and pushing the molars next to them. I got to drink lots of milkshakes and had to swallow whole a lot of food that I ate. That weekend my cheeks were so swollen Ilooked like, well, just look at the picture.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The caterpillar

In Science this week we are learning about caterpillars. This week at school everyone in my class got a caterpillar to keep track of. They are all in a little container crawling around. Over the weekend they are all supposed to make their coccoons. After they turn into butterflies we will let them go free in the school playground area. After we let the caterpillars go free, we are all going to get insects to study.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

I might be a vegetarian

I don't like eating animals. I mean I don't like eating dogs and guinea pigs but it still gives me
the creeps when I eat chicken and turkey. I'll definitely turn away a dog or a guinea pig. I had some fried chicken the other day, I had trouble eating it, but I still don't like the feeling that I was eating a chicken, especially the bones. I just think its wrong to eat animals. I might be a vegetarian when I grow up. You might want to think about being one too.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Meet the Giffords!

Welcome to our new blog!

We are as follows:

Dave (The dad and husband)
I am a Pastor at a local church and I love to play golf, hike in the mountains, and write.

Rose (The mom and wife)
I am a high school teacher and I love to take baths, play games, and watch The Amazing Race on TV.

Calvin (The Son) Age 12
I am a 7th grader and I love to play basketball and my XBOX 360.

Kendra (The middle child) Age 10
I am a 4th grader and I love( no really love) to read, design houses, and play with animals

Paige (The youngest) Age 7
I am a 2nd grader, and I love to sing, dress up, and read.

In the coming weeks you will have the opportunity to learn more about us and even add your comments to some of our ramblings. We look forward to hearing from some of you and in keeping you all informed about our latest adventures as a family.

Dave, Rose, Calvin, Kendra, and Paige