Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dave, The Dad

Hi, I am the mom in the Gifford family, Rose, and I am rarely seen or heard from in blog form (not only am I technically challenged but to make this writing semi-grammatically correct may take all day), but I have a special occasion to write. It is Dave’s 44th birthday and I know he would love new entries by his family. I know this because he mentions it daily. Many of you know Dave through work or family but few of you get to witness Dave “the dad,” so I would like to share with you what an awesome dad he is. He is intentional in what he wants his children to know and in what areas he feels lead to guide them in. Last night he spent time reading with each of his kids. He didn’t spend time with any old book but carefully chose books for their personal growth. He reads at the dinner table as well, right now it is, “When The Game Is Over It All Goes Back In The Box,” by John Ortberg, which is helping to focus our family on trophies that are truly worth winning because they last forever. As we think to Christmas he is trying to think of gifts that are meaningful, lasting and as “unplugged” as possible and how to spend our Christmas trip doing things together and making lifetime memories. One of the best things he did all year was to bring Dakota into our home. That silly dog has united our family in many unforeseen ways, like all of us out of the house and on the football field running him around in the goofest game of football you ever seen. All of this has not been pure instinct for Dave and that is almost the most wonderful part. I have been able to witness his striving to be the best dad he can be. As he grows daily in his intimate walk with God he becomes the husband and dad God wants him to be and is molding him into. Psalms 15 speaks of a godly man's actions. Through his actions Dave is establishing a founation for his kids. This foundation is the one spoken of 1 Cor 3 which is Christ Jesus and 1 Tim. 6:19 which gives them life. I love you Dave, Happy Birthday. Rose (How did I do one my first blog?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like to add our Happy Birthday wishes to the ones from Rose, Calvin, Kendra and Paige. You have a wonderful wife an d family. We don't get to see all of you as often as we would like to but we think of all of you on a daily basis so enjoy your birthday and your family, you deserve it. Dad and Blanche