Monday, April 30, 2007

Calvin get's wisdom's pulled

On April 20th I got my wisdom teeth taken out. They pulled all 4 of them but the worst part was they don't even come out of the gum until I'm 18. That day my mouth was exploding in pain after the numbness wore off. The reason they pulled them was they were coming in crooked and pushing the molars next to them. I got to drink lots of milkshakes and had to swallow whole a lot of food that I ate. That weekend my cheeks were so swollen Ilooked like, well, just look at the picture.

Friday, April 27, 2007

The caterpillar

In Science this week we are learning about caterpillars. This week at school everyone in my class got a caterpillar to keep track of. They are all in a little container crawling around. Over the weekend they are all supposed to make their coccoons. After they turn into butterflies we will let them go free in the school playground area. After we let the caterpillars go free, we are all going to get insects to study.


Sunday, April 22, 2007

I might be a vegetarian

I don't like eating animals. I mean I don't like eating dogs and guinea pigs but it still gives me
the creeps when I eat chicken and turkey. I'll definitely turn away a dog or a guinea pig. I had some fried chicken the other day, I had trouble eating it, but I still don't like the feeling that I was eating a chicken, especially the bones. I just think its wrong to eat animals. I might be a vegetarian when I grow up. You might want to think about being one too.


Friday, April 20, 2007

Meet the Giffords!

Welcome to our new blog!

We are as follows:

Dave (The dad and husband)
I am a Pastor at a local church and I love to play golf, hike in the mountains, and write.

Rose (The mom and wife)
I am a high school teacher and I love to take baths, play games, and watch The Amazing Race on TV.

Calvin (The Son) Age 12
I am a 7th grader and I love to play basketball and my XBOX 360.

Kendra (The middle child) Age 10
I am a 4th grader and I love( no really love) to read, design houses, and play with animals

Paige (The youngest) Age 7
I am a 2nd grader, and I love to sing, dress up, and read.

In the coming weeks you will have the opportunity to learn more about us and even add your comments to some of our ramblings. We look forward to hearing from some of you and in keeping you all informed about our latest adventures as a family.

Dave, Rose, Calvin, Kendra, and Paige